Words are powerful whether in written or spoken contexts. They decide and have decided the fate of many people, societies, and groups in human history. Mark Anthony in Shakespeare’s Julius …
Promise Adiele
Many people vehemently argue with verifiable indices that Nigeria, in addition to being the poverty capital of the world, is also the world’s spiritual headquarters. The level of spirituality in …
By Promise Adiele In a way, one can argue conveniently that coincidence is a divinely orchestrated occurrence where humanity is completely helpless and unaware of the inevitable fissures of existence. …
By Promise Adiele I nostalgically remember a popular refrain in my secondary school days; “Lost but found”. Back then, an item of less value never went missing because nobody needed …
By Promise Adiele It is needless to repeat or chronicle Nigeria’s multi-layered, hydra-headed woes ranging from a moribund economy, evident social dislocations, and unrecognisable political identities. Of course, there is …
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