Conflict is one of the major concerns not only in any given continent, it also affects the international community as well. Conflict is simply the absence of peace, and the …
Position Papers
Conflict is one of the major concerns not only in any given continent, it also affects the international community as well. Conflict is simply the absence of peace, and the …
The “Maternal home system”, just like the African extended family system that I’d written about in the past should be of research interest to scholars and individuals who are interested …
As youths, we should see ourselves as political architects that would rather build into our National future than political archeologist that will concentrate on digging from the relics of our …
Can my enemy or my former enemy ever be right? Can he posses a smidgen of truth? The answer to this question might well reside on whether we are able …
In Part I of this series of critical reviews, the last one hundred years was examined and found to be without any valid and enduring dynasty of Amachree. In this …
There is no such entity as Kalabari Kingdom; and there has not been such that has ever existed since the death in 1770 of King Kalagbaaa, the master and owner …
For the Nigerians who believe that we can be better than we are and are willing to make the sacrifice to improve our country, join us. For those who are …
For the Nigerians who believe that we can be better than we are and are willing to make the sacrifice to improve our country, join us. For those who are …
Debates about corruption tend to fixate on individuals. Relying on a systematic approach that addresses each of the facets of corruption will guarantee enduring success irrespective of who may be …
Issues such as Sustainability are a matter of priority. For a country in Africa, Sustainability does not rank high up there among issues like daily hunger, disease, AIDS, poverty, corruption …
Nd’igbo Move On: The Destruction and Continual Rape of Igbo-land by Ndigbos
by Roy Chikwemby Roy ChikwemSome of these so-called Igbo leaders are fond of howling out “marginalization” but when they are given the opportunity to perform and serve the people, they perform disappointingly, unsatisfactorily and …
The Igbos, according to Osuji are “selfish and greedy”. These are symptoms of the cankerworm called neo-colonial capitalism and capitalist practices…
The Igbos, according to Osuji are “selfish and greedy”. These are symptoms of the cankerworm called neo-colonial capitalism and capitalist practices…
I read Dr. Tunji Braithwaite’s treatise on the need for revolution in Nigeria. I propose, in this essay, provoked by his thoughts, to take national and global views on the …
I read Dr. Tunji Braithwaite’s treatise on the need for revolution in Nigeria. I propose, in this essay, provoked by his thoughts, to take national and global views on the …