Since most contemporary receptions of The Tempest from Lamming to Skura are politicised one should attempt to locate them within the Colonial/Post-Colonial dialectics in order to properly apprehend traditional criticism.
I blame cable television and general misinformation for the rampant myth in Nigeria that all Americans are wealthy. That African American men all walk around in yards of clothing rapping …
The enemies America has created over the years do not think about immigrants when they plot their dark acts. We're all Americans to them, and likely to be targets, especially …
The anti-American protest in kano which was brought in vivid colour to American sitting rooms as well as the fact that the Nigerian Ambassador to America is also a Muslim …
It is natural for one to continually strive for a better state of being whether it is in one's job, relationship, or livelihood. In fact, it is born out of …
What separates the super achievers from the underachievers, the successes from the failures, the happy from the unhappy, the fulfilled from the unfulfilled, the peak performers from the nonpeak performers?
"I'm Motivated By a Dream I Had As a Six-year Old…"
The Biafra actualisation Forum is made up of Igbos in exile in America who put their time, money and energy into the project of actualising the Biafra Nation. The are …
What is the future of Nigerian presence in this country? Leaving home and coming to America… For you, has it been worth it?
To put it in typical Achebe fashion, it is easy for the man who defecates to forget the stench of his own excreta but the man who has to clean …