In Nigeria, poverty contributes to violence and violence in turn fuels poverty…
Power in itself is good but in the hands of a reckless man it is intoxicating and lethal. Our politicians desire power for the sake of it and for nothing …
America has a wonderful society with lots of opportunities yet it is a community of varying immigrants and this could be confusing to children being raised in the America society …
Want to know where they eat human beings in Africa?
Africans were justified in their expectations for a better life. However, those expectations and hopes were dashed or betrayed…
Have you seen the papers? You're famous. A Nobel prize-winner has written praising your work!
Have you seen the papers? You're famous. A Nobel prize-winner has written praising your work!
I feel sorry for the grandmothers who come from Africa during winter to visit their children in America…
In the first week of March, a kind of holiday because of the Magdalena festival, the people of Spain devote time to their favorite leisure activities: eating, drinking, dancing, resting …
Our ancestors were not idol-worshippers…