If Dr. Odeniyi and President Obasanjo want to consult with God, well, that’s all fine and dandy; but they should do it in the privacy of their homes and hearts. …
One would have thought that given the affected moral air the foreigners in our midst flaunt before us, they would have found ways of complementing the concern of many us …
Government is not solely about controlling a bloated and corrupt bureaucracy and dishing out favor to cronies in the ‘come chop’ tradition. Government is also about issues, vision and principles…
The dominant feeling in Third World countries is that "Against the better judgment of the world America created this mess — let them clean it up." It shouldn't be so…
George Bush is particularly lethal because he also has one critical factor going for him, that many are not aware of, and can do very little about even if they …
Where there is a need to grant Kudos to Mr. Obasanjo; where it is appropriate to accept that he has grown in stature greater than any Nigerian living or dead, …
The Life and Music of I. K. Dairo, Rex Jim Lawson and their protege, Wale Glorious and Orlando Owoh…
One has often wondered when individual Nigerians would begin to ask themselves questions such as “what can I do?” or “what can we do?” to solve the nation’s myriad of …
Nigeria has not developed a culture of celebrating honest, hard-working achievers. Instead we have allowed others to foist upon us a paradoxical anti-intellectual situation in which recognition, indeed the highest …
Nigeria has not developed a culture of celebrating honest, hard-working achievers. Instead we have allowed others to foist upon us a paradoxical anti-intellectual situation in which recognition, indeed the highest …