I can understand that Gbenga Obasanjo became lily-livered due to untold pressure brought to bear on him by his father’s office and the decadent Nigerian political establishment since this story broke…For …
We constantly clamour for change in our society but refuse to accept the fact that age-old dogmas, beliefs and practices may have to give way to new paradigms. Change has …
We constantly clamour for change in our society but refuse to accept the fact that age-old dogmas, beliefs and practices may have to give way to new paradigms. Change has …
I was born in Ibadan and I understand the rudimentary politics of that state. Since the days of penkelemes to the days of the Cicero of Esa Oke till this …
I will be walking home soon to Nigeria. I am going home to be rich. I am not talking of going home to land contracts that I will never execute. …
There is fraud in the land, and this fraud has been escalating in bountiful dimension since the beginning of this democratic dispensation. Our public officials have elevated the game of bribery …
“I have repeatedly said it that I don’t believe in the political process in Nigeria, I am not interested in politics, I am hoping that my future engagements can help …
“I have repeatedly said it that I don’t believe in the political process in Nigeria, I am not interested in politics, I am hoping that my future engagements can help …
I honestly believe that one of the observations that separate or distinguish the developed countries and the Free World from the developing ones and those still in mental chains, is …
If we examine some aspects of specific African cultures in a rigorous manner, we can find explanations for the most sober and even the most trivial events in contemporary society…