For every animal, a trap exists to catch it however big or ferocious it might look. Hence we have lions and other wild animals “domesticated” and held captive in cages …
President Olusegun Obasanjo did not catch politicians unawares with his ‘third term’ agenda. Even the most naïve among them would have noticed Mr. President’s scheming for a life presidency long …
President Olusegun Obasanjo did not catch politicians unawares with his ‘third term’ agenda. Even the most naïve among them would have noticed Mr. President’s scheming for a life presidency long …
When a certain head of state died in the middle of the night at the height of his power, even some of his supporters said it was the hand of …
The history of modern Africa is mostly a history of excesses, gluttony, viciousness and treacherous behavior on the part of the leaders and elite; and of indifference and cowardice on …
Mr. President, I am not one of those beer drinking Nigerians that say your administration is the worst in the history of our nation. Far from it. You have done some …
Ah, Beko… so you finally stepped into the molue that races newly minted gods to the pantheon of the brave. Good for you, Beko, good for you. You must be …
“He must be sacrificed tonight” the lady said with an air of authority. She had no more smiles. That beautiful face and charm that electrified me hours ago have turned to …
“He must be sacrificed tonight” the lady said with an air of authority. She had no more smiles. That beautiful face and charm that electrified me hours ago have turned to …
Murder is murder, in Maiduguri or in Onitsha. Nigeria Must Redefine Citizenship, regardless of religion, ethnicity or region. All Nigerian citizens must feel safe in every part of Nigeria, whatever their …