I don’t know if anyone is keeping records; but this is my observation: In predominantly White states, especially in the Midwest, when a Nigerian man divorces a Nigerian woman, the chances are …
This summer, I have dedicated my self to renewing the literary ties that bind my spirit to the black loamy soil of our land. This journey has taken me back …
With the current dispensation coming to an inevitable end, the same monster, the same evil creature, that behemoth called PDP still feels it has the moral and political rights to …
Every prize in the world lives not on bread alone but also from conditions that flow forth from its overall objective. Since prize sponsors have the freedom of conditions, what …
Poor Paul McCartney, against all advice, he refused to have Heather Mills sign a prenuptial. And now he is going to pay for his mistake. Damn, doesn’t life suck? Hey fellas, …
Year after year, the brave men and women of the Nigerian Military sacrifice their time and their lives so people like you and me may live. How do we repay …
Should Nigeria be electing its presidents based on zoning systems rather than competence? I think it is naïve to expect that at this still nascent stage of our democracy, our …
Majority of Nigerians who have already attained the age of fifty today, or forty and even thirty, should simply give up any hope of ever experiencing in their lifetime what …
Ben had overdosed on a local root popularly known as magani burantashi. The medicine allegedly works better than Viagra and has magical powers, it can increase men’s libido by over 100%. Ben’s …
If Mr. Obasanjo rides back on a white horse to his village, after Aso Rock, would it be a triumphant return? I think not. This president’s success will be measured in responses …