It is my hope that Nigerians will right the wrongs of the past, restore my hope in their goodness and sensibility, and also make it up to Muhammadu Buhari, a great …
How long can Africa afford to do nothing? How long would we be standing by while our hair is shaved in our absence? When are we going to restore the …
We, women have the tendency to do imprudent things.We know our man is treating us like last month’s Chinese food, but instead of facing our problems head-on, we make excuses…
Our political stratosphere once more is awash with the expectation that because two clumsy elephants are fighting, it is either that the grass would suffer a loss or the heavens will fall…
Today, a sizeable number of Nigerians who return home for a spouse do so at their own peril. Danger and deceit abound as marriages have become business ventures…
To the initiated, mechanic workshops and mama-put joints have an everlasting relationship. Food connoisseurs like me would tell you that the best foods in the world are eaten at mechanic …
Modern Islamic renaissance has been characterized with violence and brutish interpretation of the Koran by extremist groups…
What Celtel as a new player in the Nigerian telecoms industry is doing today is ignore one of the most powerful structures in English syntax, the simple sentence, to appeal …
What do we do about these two men who have decided to blindly pursue their own selfish goals without minding the calamity that will befall the nation?
Some in the media want us to believe that government has ground to a halt because OBJ is dissipating energy on trying to remove Atiku. I beg to disagree…