As soon as she stepped into the room, all the white men followed her with their eyes. Being a village boy, I had never liked city girls. Besides, my mother …
What do you make of a proposed Bayelsa State government satellite orbiting space? This is difficult to fathom especially in a state where the vast majority of the people find …
Nigeria is a country in dire need of a revolution or something close to it. It is my opinion that the seeming inability to sustain revolution in Nigeria is twin: …
If you do not caution a fool, he could shoot at a lion with a catapult. If we do not caution some of our custodians of resources, they could easily …
In this internet age when the latest news from Nigeria could immediately be read anywhere in the world, long before most Nigerians are even able to do so, what possibly …
What do you do or say to your dad when you know he is a thief? You know it, just as most Nigerians, that your dad is robbing the treasury. …
Are we witnessing a bastardization of the rule of law and due process in Nigeria? Are these high ideals of law and fine legal concepts being corrupted? All for shortsighted …
A ‘good’ political record is a relative item and term that can be bought and sold in the supermarket of politics. The good records that these presidential aspirants parade is …
Trouble and untold grief loom large within the Nigerian Diaspora. Finding their place within a strange society, raising a family that is at once Western and African, maintaining a decent …
It was a call from Naija and the voice on the other end was urgent and frantic: please send money right away, uncle Faster is in serious trouble. He was …