Gregory Zell, an American Peace Corps volunteer served in Nigeria in the 1960s and fell in love with the country. He believes that Nigeria has the potentials of becoming one …
In the past, I have had cause to praise the Nigerian judiciary for due diligence and hard work. Under normal circumstances, I am the last person you want to look …
When it comes to how the younger generation treats some elderly citizens of this so-called God’s country, I must bow my head in shame…
We have a president who, along with a select few, is sharing, stealing and mismanaging the nation’s resources. Additionally, the president has a penchant for disregarding the check-and-balance provision of …
Nigerians in America who might have the ambition of seeking political office in Nigeria need to contact this writer in order to earn some political points…
Saddam’s fate may one day befall the un-elected godfathers of Nigerian politics when constitutional checks and balances reveal they are nothing but tyrants…
If you’ve ever attempted to secure academic transcripts from any Nigerian university, or from other institutions of higher learning in Nigeria, you must know how difficult and frustrating it can …
For every Northerner occupying a federal government post at any level, there are at least 100 Southerners that are more qualified but are being denied the opportunity…
For every Northerner occupying a federal government post at any level, there are at least 100 Southerners that are more qualified but are being denied the opportunity…
In America, I would always be the African girl who sounds different, looks different and just could never quite blend in. In Nigeria, I would become the American girl who …