Once upon a time, almost every candidate of the political parties printed their posters and other campaign materials with the same caption, “The People’s Choice”. But all that changed with …
My studies at Great Ife under Prof Wole Soyinka got off on a beery note. I was with my classmates in Soyinka’s house for practical lessons on television production when …
The name General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi evokes different memories for different people: The Army General who became Nigeria’s first Military Head of State following the bloody January 15 1966 putsch that …
As the global Dubai Expo 2020 kick starts, there lines a number of tourist side attractions designed to add world-class tourism flavour to the event. One of such prominent world …
“Death is…the absence of presence…the endless time of never coming back…a gap you can’t see, and when the wind blows through it, it makes no sound” – Tom Stopard In the morning …
The grotesque Nigerian twins called democracy and military rule are crucially joined at the stomach. The military politicos and the civilian politicians eat into the same fat stomach like Siamese …
Bar Peter Uwadia is an erudite scholar and lawyer. When you are in his office, you easily know that he is a very busy man, what with the pile of …
Mahatma Gandhi once remarked that “those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is”. However, Frank Herbert was of an entirely different opinion. According to him, “when religion …
One of the states in Nigeria with a strong record of as a champion of transparency and accountability in the conduct of governance was Edo. Just two years after the …
The trailblazing minstrel, folk music collector and performer, Gerald Eze Mmaduabuchi, recreated the archetypal Igbo lore of Egwu Onwa (moonlit games) with his youthful Ichoku Academy in Awka, the capital …