Dear Reader, before you think or say “Oh my God, not another essay about Nigerian corruption from this guy”, please bear with me…
The real test for Nigeria’s high-profile and high-speed anti-corruption drive has only started to unfold. All transitions are fraught with risks…
I sat still taking tutorials on selfless love from my ageing mother. A lesson borne out of her experiences in life, a pot-pourri of triumphs laced with much pain and …
It is a great time to be a connoisseur of Nigerian literature. There are all these Nigerian writers doing some really exciting work and there are not enough hours in …
It is a great time to be a connoisseur of Nigerian literature. There are all these Nigerian writers doing some really exciting work and there are not enough hours in …
Last night we had a meeting on the state of affairs in motherland and I have been mandated to communicate our dismay to you all…
From all indications some entrenched forces unhappy over The Guardian’s vocal independence and resourcefulness are manipulating the staff against the management…
One cannot be an African and not feel sorry for the Continent. And even for non Africans, the findings of empirical data, along with the reality on the ground, makes …
Shame and condemnation to Ofunneka, to her parents, to Nigerian federal and state governments, including Nigerian legislators, all Nigerian mothers who kept silent…
I am not a fan of the Big Brother nonsense, and all such shows, like beauty pageants, where people are paid and cheered on to throw their honour and dignity …