The great Nigerian statesman Nnamdi Azikiwe once wrote that every election is an advance auction of stolen goods. And he’s right…
Since Ogebe and co have ruled that we are all mad to think that the job Iwu did in April even merited a mild rebuke and Yar’Adua has applauded, what …
Majority of people that browse the net are not looking for something to buy. Rather, they are looking for a solution to their problems. They will pay anything to anyone …
In examining the challenges of the Niger Delta area, external factors often dominate the perception on what stands between this region and wholesome development. Conversely, often missing in the jigsaw …
It’s interesting the encounters you have when you take public transportation. You get to see different people, listen in on their conversations, and often you have to listen to a …
It may seem that the provision of infrastructure, particularly affordable and decent housing, security of lives and property, adequate social amenities, etc., are key to satisfying the demands and tastes of …
Between Orji the godfather and Orji the “cultist” Governor, a serious challenge has presented itself: how to undo at the appeal court the gubernatorial damage done by the Tribunal’s ruling…
What is a failed state? Has there ever been a failed state in this world, and if so, what will be the criteria for labelling a country as a failed …
Emphasise your uniqueness with the type of promise you make to your clients. Do not promise what you cannot give. You should be sure you deliver on the promise…
Do sane people ever walk themselves to a clinic to test for HIV? That was the question that crossed my mind yesterday as I sat opposite a female counselor at …