Do you want your ethnic group to be part of a country even if the probability of your ethnic group producing the president is practically equal to zero despite the …
Do you want your ethnic group to be part of a country even if the probability of your ethnic group producing the president is practically equal to zero despite the …
Do you want your ethnic group to be part of a country even if the probability of your ethnic group producing the president is practically equal to zero despite the …
Though I am certain of receiving instant forgiveness and mercy from God if for any reason I engage in premarital sex or extra-marital sex any day, I am however not …
I have observed that if an American politician desires to excel at the polls he must never thread on the path of gun ban debates, especially if he’s seeking votes …
There are professors and there are ‘professors’. Can some one please tell me what Maurice Iwu is still professing at the INEC? I am really shocked by this man’s vaulting …
For almost two decades, Nigeria has been adrift within the global system. Unclear and irresolute about its role and place within such anarchical system, she has not been able to …
While there is much to be admired about Mugabe, there is unfortunately, much also about him that is to be despised. Like many other leaders of the ‘sit-tight’ variety, he …
Ibru, Soyinka, Maskin, Others Advocate Need for Human Capital Development In Nigeria
by Uche Nworahby Uche NworahThe need for government to introduce interventionist strategies aimed at developing human capital in Nigeria was the high point of discussions at the 2008 Oceanic Bank Global Leaders Forum…
The sudden passing of one of the doyens of legal education and vast array of jurisprudence in Nigeria, Prof. Jadesola Akande came to me as a rude shock…