History will yet prove that among those infamous men and women who ‘aided’ Obasanjo to defraud Nigeria for eight long years Andy Uba knew much more than any other…
The members of the upper legislative house have been literally sitting on the horns of a dilemma since one of their number, Dr. Iyabo Obasanjo-Bello representing Ogun senatorial district, choose …
In Nigeria, politics and government are like banks where money is kept, and thus it will continue to attract very smart, unsavoury and dishonest vagabonds, whose main aim in life …
I sometimes wonder if Nigerians didn’t “invent” religion, especially Christianity. On the exterior, they are more Catholic than the Pope, more pious than Vatican Saints…
Considering Dr. Goodluck’s remarkable political ascent to date, only a fool would wager against his further ascent. Dr. Goodluck is a man with good luck, even if he is not …
As I am writing, the nation is practically on its knees with nothing, absolutely nothing, but official stealing working in Nigeria. The roads are wearing desolate looks with the imminence …
The local police in Nigeria seems to have very little to offer in the way of help to those who have lost money to scams…
The government’s Poverty Alleviation Programme has the stated goal of bringing food to hungry, poor Nigerians. So far, they have failed to do that…
The government’s Poverty Alleviation Programme has the stated goal of bringing food to hungry, poor Nigerians. So far, they have failed to do that…
“Why do you say that Nigeria has got no electricity? Isn’t that Lagos all lighted up? That’s a very beautiful sight, isn’t it?”