The Ijaws and the Niger Deltans in general are becoming victims of abject neglect in this nation. The government is frowning at her responsibility to salvage the people in the …
A lot has happened in the ten years since I left you. I understand that at least you and the kids are well taken care of by my military brothers …
By it’s impractical provisions, the Electoral Act 2006 creates a lacuna, a window for electoral offenders to evade justice…
Our certificates are already being rejected abroad due to its loss of credibility. How shameful for us as the giant of Africa. We must all join hands to expunge examination …
At the risk of sounding immodest, something I detest, let me declare that the dirt in my fingernail remains infinitely greater than the entirety of Olusegun Obasanjo…
For those of us who retain pleasant memories of our time in Ibadan, we hope that it never again has to endure the sort of experience that it has over …
Lack of accountability and transparency, the hallmark of various administrations in the past, can to a large measure be held responsible for the level and intensity of corruption in the …
It is debatable whether the troika of Babangida, Buhari and Abdulsalami Abubakar would insult us with the recent suggestion of Abacha saintlihood were Obasanjo not the woeful failure he was …
The setting is in limbo, a GRA for both the important and unimportant, those that the cosmic master himself has placed on a waiting list of cases yet to be …
If Nigeria wants to connect all the major cities in Nigeria by a world-class rail network and excellent world-standard standard good roads within the next 10 years, I have no …