How justified is decrying a coup against a President that heads an executive Council, which only marks time; waiting for the appropriate time to be conferred with a vote of …
Unfortunately, too many of Nigerians suffered or lost their lives because they weren’t given the right clinical diagnosis, right medicine and or the proper medicine application…
It appears sometimes that somewhere along the line some of us have become distanced from the full and complete beings that I believe women to be and have learned to …
Many things have been said in criticism about the president; but no one to my knowledge, has accused him of having sticky fingers. In fact, in his manner and appearance, …
He looks like an average Joe, nothing special. But the moment he opens his mouth, you need not wonder just how high his IQ is. He speaks English like he …
Nigeria is sitting on a keg of gunpowder, especially with the Niger Delta and all the issues surrounding it. Things are degenerating very fast in this region and only sincere, …
The way business is done today is quite different from what it used to be several years ago. Successful businesses that have stood the test of time are those that …
We have absolute facts and proof that some international courts and lawyers do not apply the law equally to the poor and minorities like the Bakassi people, thus denying them …
In spite of the gradual transformation of the Nigerian men, some still treat women of different color and background differently. A typical Nigerian living in the western world still does …
I feel a little sorry for people in their 20s because no one will tell them that early adulthood can be just as tumultuous as teen years. Only this time, …