Belgium is a country while Africa is a continent with 53 nations but the GDP of Belgium is equivalent to that of Africa. Meaning that what 11m people of Belgium …
Far too many Nigerian men are socialized into the myth of women being their own worst enemies, the most effective neutralizers/antagonizers of other women…
There is no doubt that development and the needed leadership that should have transformed Lagos into a functional city comparable to some of the best cities in the world took …
It is well-known that some departments, ministries and agencies were full of ghost employees who did no real work for the ministry, drew multiple salaries, or existed only on paper…
Lagos is probably the only town in the world that has no official “Welcome to..” signage on its borders. What Lagos has is just a “This is Lagos” sign. The …
We are living in the 21st century, and in this day and age, it is reprehensible that you would try to dictate what women should wear in a society that …
You and I know how we got to this sorry pass…I don’t need to bore you with stale news about your condition. Nigeria is happening to you daily. You are …
Too many of us are hurting, too many of us are drifting away from the homeland, but rarely does a single one of us take responsibility for contributing to this …
I keep on wondering whether it is right for me to be true to my conscience and labour where I stand to reap the reward, than to demonstrate false “petro-patriotism …
Political will includes both a will to exercise self restraint and willingness to take politically risky decisions. Leaders are important for their value as role model. Especially in hero-worshiping cultures …