The issue of the new special ministry of Niger Delta just created by Yaradua is so important that no amount of space and time devoted to its analysis could be …
How the Niger Deltans can get their freedom: The Action Plan! (Part 7)
by Bode Eluyeraby Bode EluyeraThe issue of the new special ministry of Niger Delta just created by Yaradua is so important that no amount of space and time devoted to its analysis could be …
To those who continue to badger me with, “You should vote for Obama” because he is black, African American, man of color, biracial or whatever other racial umbrella he may …
Many Nigerians have criticized the modus operandi of the WIC, and justifiably so, branding it a jamboree and calling for an end to it. I make haste to associate myself …
Nigeria is gradually dying because of religion. Useful energy is not being expended on meaningful and relevant activities that can free our nation from the yokes of political oppression and …
What was left for us by the British as a legacy of colonialism, we found it difficult to build on, not to talk of sustaining and improving it, contrary to …
Ever since oil drilling got under way in the Niger Delta’s Oloibiri in the early 1950s, the communities that surround this stormy body of “oil-hood” have lived in dread of …
Ever since oil drilling got under way in the Niger Delta’s Oloibiri in the early 1950s, the communities that surround this stormy body of “oil-hood” have lived in dread of …
You know that Nigeria is Sisyphus in the hands of this parasitic and unimaginative cartel that has recycled and reproduced itself so brilliantly since independence. Every time you think that …
This is our toast, the toast of a long lasting covenant, the covenant of love and peace, that the Kebbi people shall remain united and that their leaders will strive …