This is wishing the 43rd president a safe and sound retirement and the 44th a safe and sound presidency. Both are great men in their own rights, history will remember …
Sleepiness at work is as a result of insufficient sleep. Apart from refreshing the body and giving one a good jumpstart for a new day, sleep has numerous benefits…
I’ve always argued that Nigeria presents social scientists with the unique research situation of the citizen-as-state. Every Nigerian is a state. The UN needs to recognize all 140 million of …
Barack Obama becomes president of the United States this Tuesday, 20th January, 2009. That time, he will have little breathing room to deal with ‘the horrible mess’ left by his …
The following is a review of independent party concept in Nigerian history, its impact in the United States of America, and the consequences for the African nation…
Sorting through the aisles of my local Best Buy, same time as the outgoing President of the United States was delivering his farewell speech to the nation, it appeared no …
The present status of most public schools across the nation today does not show that these institutions were once well-respected citadels of learning and sources of glory to the nation…
Nigeria is challenged. With growth, we have a chance to wipe out the stigma of abject poverty, and our people can enjoy the advantages of being citizens of an increasingly …
Surrounded, border-wise, by hostile neighbouring countries whose extremist wings ceaselessly denounce ‘Zionism’ Israel is proudly exercising her natural rights of existence…
In spite of the very many attempts to explain or subdue the power of death, the ‘death phenomenon’ has quite proven to be one thing that mankind cannot overcome…