That was what feminism was supposed to be: equity. But regrettably, instead of equity, there is the lecture for equality…
Before any politician can justify disembarking from his party and seeking accommodation elsewhere, he must show written evidence that he has assiduously tried to correct his party’s wrong policies to …
What this piece calls for is a bit of humanity; the humanity in us that will break the dark covering of violent intolerance of homosexuals in Africa. Homosexuality should not …
As 2014 begins, many challenges lie ahead. Human rights continue to be violated on a massive scale, from Syria to the Central African Republic…
Irrespective of the community where it’s taking place, marriage calls for a big occasion. Singing, merriment and dancing characterise marriage ceremonies in Nigeria…
I have nothing against Kayode’s bid to project himself as the arch-defender of the Yoruba, whether within the Nigerian federation or as an independent entity. Self-determination is no sin and …
The grand passion of Nigeria’s under class and marginalized under-achievers is to talk familiarly with “exalted personages” and entertain them with buffoonery…
There are immediate and compelling reasons why the United Nations Organization, though very ineffective in regulating world crisis, should review its domestic jurisdiction clause…
We appear to be growing more and more incompatible, and more and more prominently pulled apart by many overt and subterranean reasons. More people feel cheated and desecrated by principal …
Nigeria has suffered and also has been abused by its rulers from the inception of nationhood. The country is like a wife who endures a continuous domestic violence from her …