The late Madiba, Nelson Mandela, had spent about 27 years in a Robben Islands prison under the apartheid era before gloriously returning to become the first black President of his …
Some ten years ago, in January 2006, I wrote, in one of my newspaper columns,‘A Season’s Toast to ‘that average-sized man with the heart of a lion and the deeds …
Of late, the Nigerian news media – print and electronic, regular and social – has been awash with information of how the security forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria …
Nigeria’s political discourse is stuck, rather tragically, in a familiar binary pattern. On one side, there are the bashers of President Muhammadu Buhari; on the other, those who feel duty …
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit”. – Harry Truman Consequentially, Obama’s visit to Havana, Cuba is historic and reconciliatory. Cuba …
Milsovic and Karadzic have paid the supreme price for the arrogance of power. The verdict of history is always long in coming. So, will other political criminals in all nations. …
High-Chief Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi, CEO of Daar Communications Plc, must have learnt the hard way how it feels to be in the opposition in a sudden change of political fortune. …
Tunji O! Tunji O! The socio-cratic revolution is just beginning! Where are you! Tunji was a Christian, gentleman, an ardent lover of Nigeria’s advancement. He was deeply committed to Nigerian …
Brussels, the Belgian capital was hit on Tuesday,22nd March, 2016,between 8 a.m and 9:10 a.m, by three explosions that killed 34 people and injured about 190. The first two explosions …
Easter is central to the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and died on a Cross on a Friday but rose from the dead and ascended to …