It is gratifying that you’re fine tuning the national orientation. The Nigerian Diaspora monitors closely, and with keen interest your effort in detaching Nigeria from the ugly past. As a …
I have two confessions to make from the outset. I am an incurable optimist. I am a firm believer in the maxim that no matter how dark a tunnel may …
Fulbright is many, many things wrapped up in one. Like a Christmas hamper. But unlike a Christmas hamper, the package of Fulbright is not a mix of edibles and perishables. …
I cried on the inside, reading about the level of suffering which Nigerians have gotten subjected to in recent times and knew that the situation calls for immediate attention. I …
There are some strange developments and coincidences happening between Germany and Nigeria, particularly as it concerns Albert Einstein and Wole Soyinka on the one hand and Berlin and Ibadan on …
In an attempt to attract black voters to his presidential campaign, Mr Trump painted an extremely dismal portrait of black life in the United States. He quoted abysmal figures (which …
The Buhari administration is challenged socially, economically and politically. Opposition is mounting and coming in different forms and from different fronts. There are still some elements within the Boko Haram …
(Handwriting on the wall) The visit of Mark Zuckerberg to Nigeria is a glad tiding memory, and a welcome development. Mark is simple outwards but gorgeous in mindfulness. A very …
As Nigeria’s economy goes into recession, it is so evident that the business of government and politicking has never helped the country move forward; rather we are continuously moving backwards. …
The late Dora Akunyili, then Nigerian Senatorial Candidate and Angela Dorothea Merkel the Present German Chancellor do have some interesting things in common. Dora is the short form of the …