There are interesting developments in Nigeria with regards to world automobile History.
The American entrepreneur and Manufacturer, Henry Ford, founded the Ford Motor company on June 16 1903, the exact first birthday anniversary of T. Adeola Odutola, first President of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, having been born on June 16 1902.
Ford manufactured millions of Cars named and modeled as T. Ford. I wonder what The T in T Ford stands for. T in T. Adeola Odutola stands for Timothy.
Henry Ford and Adeola Odutola both set up Rubber plantations for manufacturing tyres.
Ford failed in his manufacturing of tyre ambition, but Odutola succeeded, establishing one of the most prominent tyre factories in Africa.
Interestingly on March 16 1958, 53rd birthday anniversary of pioneer and industrialist now late, Jimoh Odutola (Kid brother to Adeola Odutola) Henry Ford rolled out the 50th millionth Automobile from his assmebly line.
Henry Ford and Adeola Odutola both passed away in the month of April: Ford on April 7 1947 and Odutola on April 13, 1995.
So when we celebrate the existence of the Ford motor, company, the producers of the Model T. Ford, we are invariably celebrating the life and times of T. Adeola Odutola , one of the first African Entrepreneurs to be featured in the Time Magazine.
Henry Ford has a Foundation established in his name as a legacy of his service to humanity.
Adeola Odutola also has a Foundation established to mark his service to humanity and keep his legacy as an entrepreneur.
It should be noted that the Chairman of Adeola Odutola’ foundation is Prof Akin L. Mabogunje born October 18 1931 the day the great Inventor Thomas Alva Edison passed Away. Henry Ford was Chief Engineer to Edison during his life time
Odutola Brothers and Automobile History
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Where was his factory located, why did he stop production
Ibadan is the location. Givernment policy and poor management maybe succession planning