Nigerian prostitutes, I am told, are worth fifty Naira per round. That’s how cheap they are. And in the last two decades or so, it’s been easier to come by …
Nigeria Matters
We kill our best and our brightest; we kill our innovators; we kill our political gadfly; we kill those who dare to be different; we kill those who helped in …
Here is a man that one needs to dine with…with a very long spoon. However, the wisdom of our fathers is that we do not disregard the message simply because …
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the gross inability of the most chronically cynical of Nigerian critics to tolerate the slightest form of criticism when, for once, …
Your comments on my article, "Patriotism, Dead or Alive," came to my attention only yesterday. Installing me in a group, you accuse me of "a chronic pessimism as to become …
The Minister of Police Affairs wants us to believe no one is above the law. They want us to believe there is a level playing field in Nigeria when it …
The white missionaries who condemned as idolatry, the practice whereby animals, foods and money were offered as sacrifice, now turned around to request for the same items… They however branded …
The Federal Government must address the “cross border” education equitably. In its attempt – it must not use the United Kingdom model…
What is happening in the Niger Delta is the product of several decades of neglect and abandonment, of institutional and systemic corruption, of failure in leadership and of a country …
My dream for Nigeria is where being ill is not a death sentence – A Nigeria where hospitals do not dispense fake drugs; a country where hospitals are not for …
It is a sad commentary on our country that we spend far too much money on avoidable litigations. I used to think the Urhobos were the most guilty of that …
It is true I am cunning and ruthless in my dealings with our people, be they civilians, or civic-minded members of the Military. How else is one to ensure obedience, …
It is true I am cunning and ruthless in my dealings with our people, be they civilians, or civic-minded members of the Military. How else is one to ensure obedience, …
One of the concerns I had with MKO presumably winning the presidency that was annulled by IBB in 1993, was the way Nigeria would have been perceived around the world …
You would have thought that the Federal Military Government as a neutral Government in our country would have tried to maintain a level playing field for all States in Nigeria, …
Nigeria is fast becoming a circular system where the same sets of names are waived around as the best candidates to fill the top positions…