I am very sorry, but I have not seen any evidence that “Enough is indeed Enough” among supposedly enlightened Nigerians. What I see is an attempt to apply a kind …
Nigeria Matters
Is Al-Mustapha a security risk? Did he endanger the wellbeing of the nation? Is he a murderer? Did he conspire with others to kill the innocent? Must it take another …
Nigeria’s dreaded status in internet scam is in no way as a result of the skills of the scammers, but the inability of the Nigerian government to checkmate it, even …
Obviously worried by the disturbing state of insecurity in Igboland in recent times, governors of the South East zone hurried, or as some accounts said, were “summoned”, to Aso Rock, …
Would it not have been in gross national interest for the President to glide down the airport run-way, waving his hands gleefully at a crowd of patently patient Nigerians he …
In Nigeria at the moment, the sensation you get is that of great displeasure of the populace towards their ‘leaders’. This disapproval has no ethnic, religious or cultural affiliation as …
The time has never been riper for the emergence of a formidable opposition force to dislodge the People’s Democratic Party from power. Yet, there are disturbing signs, once again, that …
Balewa was no firebrand political radical. He may have remained a teacher for the rest of his life had southern politicians such as the flamboyant intellectual Nnamdi Azikiwe not pushed …
Which way Nigeria has to go will depend essentially on the choice Nigerians make of the political situation, their policies and their leaders…
Many have canvassed for Dora to head INEC, while some have said she should be returned to NAFDAC and some still, that she should be made the Minister of Health…
A few weeks have now elapsed since Yar’Adua’s arrival in Nigeria in the dead of the night and yet no credible sightings of him are available to anyone. Nigeria and …
Mr. President, you may have one year in office, but you can have such a hell of a year that you leave indelible marks on the pages of history…
Browsing through comments online about Gaddaffi’s statement on splitting Nigeria, I realized that about ninety percent of the comments supported or praised Gaddaffi for his ‘brave’ statement…
How many Nigerians both at home and in Diaspora, can honestly and realistically claim to be moving towards a new horizon of peace through germane and far reaching political economic …
The dark clouds hanging over the Nigerian nation have refused to lift. However, nature in its extreme kindness continues to shine light over areas of our national life that symbolise …
Many southern Nigerians ignorantly label Nigeria’s past northern leaders like Abacha, Babangida, and Abubakar as “Hausa” when in fact none of them was/is Hausa…