As you are well aware many things have been written about me in both local and international press as part of an elaborate hate campaign, most of which are sponsored …
Nigeria Matters
Amaechi reasserting himself is not a joke. But we think he is always promoting himself and taking credit for what diplomats would loathe with shame to admit. We think he …
In 2008, the late President Umaru Yar’Adua asked the National Assembly to use the opportunity of the impending constitution review exercise to expunge the Immunity Clause from the Nigerian Constitution…
With the recent avalanche of bombings by Boko Haram or someone acting in their name across Northern Nigeria and right on the doorsteps of Abuja, it is time for every …
Professor Iwu is not alone in this drive towards the sale of Nigeria’s biodiversity to the West for personal gains. Several Nigerian scientists, researchers, students and ordinary citizens, resident and …
We of The Nigerian Front are gravely concerned about the state of our nation stemming from the current prognosis of the recently signed budget. The budget indicates that greed continues …
Those watching for clues to emerge of the tone and mettle of Goodluck Jonathan’s presidency will have the opportunity, much sooner than they expect, to take a measure of the …
Running the government by consensus without fiscal responsibility and accountability and robbing Peter to pay Paul is what has gotten us into the predicament we are now in…
Amaechi should avoid recycling the “old people” in government because newness is one tenet of democracy. Amaechi should appoint “new people” into his government, because new people bring news ideas…
People need to know their rights and how to make sure they get use those rights. People also need to learn to rely on the fruit of their labour rather …
For me, Strauss-Kahn’s experience illuminates the way in which women remain both oppressed and silenced in Nigeria and many other African countries…
It is a great thing that the foremost opposition party in the country, the Action Congress of Nigeria, have begun to sound early warning signs to its members not to …
For the first time in his political career, our newly inaugurated president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, can, from within the opulence of his presidential lodgings, repose and assume pose before a …
President Jonathan must be resolute and pick the best people for his cabinet and not pander to the party bigwigs who have no interest in the progress of Nigeria, but …
Some have questioned the legitimacy of the new Jonathan Administration and constantly remind us of the violence which greeted some of the disputed election results..
Elections are over and inaugurations are scheduled to take place nationwide in a matter of days, and nobody is asking for Professor Jega’s head. What could the secret be?