Even from the tone of his Independence Day address, it was evident that President Jonathan is no longer living under the illusion that he has Nigeria all figured out, and …
Nigeria Matters
Recent unbecoming developments in the Nigerian judiciary have proved me right in my long contempt for the British Colonial legal system that was foisted on Nigeria by British colonial authorities…
Recent unbecoming developments in the Nigerian judiciary have proved me right in my long contempt for the British Colonial legal system that was foisted on Nigeria by British colonial authorities…
We are not White people who do not have cultures that are rooted in morality. The whites believe that ‘it is my life to live.’ And we have seen where …
The resistance to waterfront demolition has always existed on the part of different groups working independently, the authorities giving practically no response as the resistances remained low key because of …
Keeping mute in the face of tyranny or maintaining passivity when actions are required is not ordinarily an act of cowardice, it is inhuman, it is deplorable and it is …
As a founding member of NADECO, Tinubu was forced into exile in 1994, only to return to the country after Abacha kicked the bucket in mid 1998. Like the rest …
Imagine those American kids on YoutubeReally meant it when they sang’I want to be a Nigerian so freaking bad’Cos Bruno Mars now lives in Yola.
Nigeria’s well-being depends on a lot of things, among which economy and security play a prominent role. If these things are not taken care of, government’s claims of a pro-people …
Unlike other leaders in the world who live in fear of their people and constraints of the law, Nigerian leaders are free to do what they like, so for the …
I normally don’t join in celebrating Nigeria’s Independence Day anywhere I am in the world; at least not since the late 70s. I also do not write the usual piece …
Good governance means fighting corruption, protection of lives and property, attendance to the rule of law and voice, fiscal accountability, political stability, absence of violence, government effectiveness, and regulatory quality…
The current Administration should learn to honour agreements with individual Nigerians, groups, associations, or professional bodies by shedding the toga of official irresponsibility and destructive divide-and-rule tactics…
Do many Nigerians read? Only a small fraction do, otherwise, given the intellectual and didactic editorials in The Guardian newspaper and the writings of articulate Nigerians, the poor standard of …
Since President Jonathan is still in hibernation, scared stiff of even his own shadow, and as it is becoming clear that he has no proper control of our State security …
A Nigeria run by its least visionary and enlightened elements – men and women whose imagination is fixed on the size of their bank accounts – is in no shape …