This must be the worst New Year that Nigerians have celebrated since the civil war ended in 1970. The ill-advised removal of oil subsidy and the attendant increase in petrol …
Nigeria Matters
The onset of a primordialised Nigeria held captive by a retrograde strain of theomanic Boko Haram should offer us a broader discursive narrative of the fiction of our oneness…
I have written this because of my awareness of the attendant risks in the society we live in and the fragility of human life. Don’t be a dead hero, martyrdom …
Nigeria has 4 fully functional refineries as at 1988 built by the Military regimes with a total capacity of 450,000 barrels per day production. Bearing in mind that our daily …
The removal of “Oil Subsidy” is actually a way of punishing Nigerians for the failure of an inept government to effectively fight corruption, not only in the oil industry, but …
Following sober Christmas celebrations in some parts of the country, the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan delivered a frightening New Year gift to Nigerians in the name of fuel subsidy …
What defines the democratic society is the ability of the citizen to exercise freely their vote by electing or deciding who will or should rule over them…
Okay, fellow Nigerians, the good news could as well be that we managed to survive 2011 inspite of Boko Haram, ubiquitous kidnappers and roaming armed robbers, right?! And that we …
As promised by this administration in the 2011, that starting from January 1, 2012 fuel subsidy will be removed, that prediction has come and gone. Monday January 2, 2012, Nigerians …
Mr Jonathan speech confirmed the suspicion of many – our President is indeed belligerent and rather ignorant of the enormity of the cataclysm the country currently faces…
Before our very eyes, parts of Nigeria have been transformed into mini-Baghdads and Kabuls. If you stand in a crowd in many a town in the northern part of Nigeria, …
What the President ought to be looking at right now is how to effectively checkmate the activities of terrorists by using the people they are terrorising against them, including establishing …
What the President ought to be looking at right now is how to effectively checkmate the activities of terrorists by using the people they are terrorising against them, including establishing …
Before he came to be more widely known on a national basis, Chief Bola Ige had exercised executive governance over the old Oyo State between 1979 and 1983. At a …
There is a need to examine the motive as to why the Boko Haram sect restricts its campaign amongst a people to whom they are intrinsically nexus in culture and …
It was my friend who called. In my half-sleep state, I could make out the words “bombing,” “church,” and “Catholic.” I mumbled “hun-hun” and hurriedly hung up. She called back…