National Security In Nigeria

by Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai

We are a nation of believers and so we trust in GOD and his angels for
protection. We are also a nation, where the rich incessantly engage in
gaieties and social festivities. These stoke the envy of the
underprivileged, who occasionally visit their abject frustrations on
civil society, especially the underprivileged like themselves. This is
the irony.

For the rich, it is only when they dance in the circle of fear that they
remember national security. Demonstrative measures are then taken
against the security chiefs for their ineffectiveness. This, however,
does not stop the activities of political and social mal-contents in our
midst and they are in the majority, which suggests that the state may
have failed to secure its people.

When I read “We, the people…”in our current Constitution, I begin to
wonder whether these people live in a state, in a nation, in
nation-states, federated states or federated nations. This is a core
jurisprudential issue, resolvable only at a sovereign national

The sovereign national conference will afford all Nigerians the
opportunity to speak out, voicing their agreements and discontents in a
civilized manner. This meeting is very crucial as we shall hear from
Nigerian citizens and resolve our differences amicably.
Some citizens believe that it was to avoid this all-important national
conference that the former Chief Justice, Uwais was commissioned to
panel-beat the existing Constitution, but “wash a pig and comb a pig, a
pig is a pig”

. The military handed us a Constitution that has no theoretical
antecedents, does not define the society we are aspiring to build and
does not have a panacea for the stalemated and arrested development of

National security is affected by acts of vandalism caused by those, who
do not understand that peaceful co-existence is the only concept that
could help Nigeria to thrive.

When one ruminates over the nation-states that could suffer shipwreck
should Nigeria be shaken by a mighty wind, one shudders to think that
those, who have no minerals or a good support base, would be hard
put.So, it is in their interest to live in peace with other Nigerians
and enjoy Lord Laggard’s mismatch.

I can say with truth and meaning that the incessant massacre of fellow
Nigerians by their compatriots is a monstrosity wrapped in an enigma.
We often confuse state security with national security.
In states, where the interest of the ruling elite is put above that of
the people, the police, the army and security formations are expected to
defend the government, its personnel and its property. This why the
sirens keep blaring, each time some ubiquitous governors and
non-performing ministers drive by.

In truly democratic states, where the people’s welfare, well-being and
wholesomeness are the paramount concern of the state, the government,
determinedly weaves a security network around the people in the various
villages, towns and cities.

National security starts with food security because” a hungry man is an
angry man”. The populace needs personal security from hoodlums, armed
robbers, pen-robbers and muggers.

Job security is important so that citizens can live meaningful lives
and secure their homes, children, wives, ageing parents and kiths and

The security of highways and bye-ways will enable mobility and the free
movement of people. Security must insulate religious bigots,
illiterates, haters of their own people, so that they do not cause
trouble. These are all part of the concept of national security.
At the level of government, a state must manage its resources well and
should frown upon misuse of national funds. Government must retrieve
proven stolen national wealth and reserves the eternal right to trace
national wealth wherever it can be found. A state that condones
corruption weakens its own authority.

A state must secure the health of its citizens by erecting adequate
medical centers and hospitals. Then, it would have no reason to rush
sick citizens to other nations that have built suitable medical
facilities for their own citizens.

At the academic level, national security is an intricate network of
systems of defence measures, aimed at ensuring the safety of
governments, the state and their nationals. Through overt and covert
measures of military intelligence operations, under-cover disruptions of
the sinister activities of men and women with misplace consciences, the
security of the people, their state and governments is ensured.
The methods used in security operations are varied, for example,
infiltration, intrigue, subterfuge, deception, rough tactics,
wire-tapping, defence intelligence and military action.

Intelligence has political/military/strategic components, which are
associated with statecraft, governance and security. Every sovereign,
independent, state must train, sustain and nurture men and women to
serve in its security and intelligence outfits.

In Europe and America, these are selected from the best and the
brightest citizens, who are endowed with keen and subtle intellect. They
are the anchor of state security.(See Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai,”Military
Intelligence and International Law”, Max Planck Institute of
Comparative and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany,2005.)
There is a difference between the cult of intelligence and the craft of
intelligence. It is a craft, when it is based on scientific methods and
genuinely used to defend the nation. It is a cult, when groups in
military intelligence conspire against the state, for example, by
staging a coup d’état.

Military intelligence operates both general and specific intelligence
systems. It is mainly about gathering information on the plans of the
enemy, demonstrators, terrorists and other dangerous people.
Recruitment into defence and military intelligence outfits needs
scrupulous assessment of the recruit’s intellectual sharpness, smartness
and patriotism.

Graduates with the best grades should be deployed not those, who got
ranks by federal character. Recently, there was failure of military
intelligence in Jos. The system of early detection failed. A corps of
strategic, street-corner operatives would have detected the movement of
armed men into the affected villages.

What system is now in place to protect the nation from bomb detonators,
angry and hungry youths, failed politicians, who are bitter and are
ready to use the unwary young drop-outs for their political ends?
There are states and some leaders abroad, who only high-light our
failures and they invidiously associate Nigeria with every vice and not
a single virtue.

We must gear up and not allow these prophets of doom to demoralize us.
There are misguided and unpatriotic Nigerians, who quote, with relish,
these nefarious odes about what America, Britain and the Libyan leader
said about our country.

The Libyan leader should be told that rascality should wane with old
age. His undiplomatic, raspy ranting on Nigeria still rankles. Our
diplomatic resentment and response are appropriate and timely.
We must intensify our diplomatic responses to all unsavory attacks. If
well managed, the new opportunity we now have will usher us into the age
of splendour.

We have recommenced governance and the world should take note. We must
always fight back in measured terms against semi-literate foreign
commentators on Africa, diplomatic arrogance and against statements that
are aimed at denigrating the African and revile our people.
For example, while Christine Amanpour speaks in reverential tone, when
she interviews E

uro-American personalities, she could not hide her
contempt for African leaders like His Excellency, Dr Robert Mugabe and
His Excellency, Paul Kagame.

Her shaggy-dog stories no longer cut the ice. She is now short of ideas
as her stream of consciousness wanes inexorably.
As the Chief Propagandist of CNN, Christine reports on factual issues
but often mixing her reportage with fictional imageries. Some CNN
reports are “capriceux et crepine.”In some cases the reports jeopardize
the national security of other states. For example, the reports about
the Jos crises did not have to be repeatedly aired for effect.
CNN’s swarming hive of journalists “have regularly celebrated their
undivided social and political power over the world “in the last twenty
years. Its elite journalistic grand masters are acquiring greater
muscle, which they do not hesitate to flex, when interviewing leaders
from “lesser” regions.

Showing disabled Africans regularly on television seems to satisfy the
psycho-galvanic reflexes of some people, whose appetites for the
sadistic and the bizarre are insatiable and ill-defined. Some
journalists report, albeit inelegantly, on ghoulish events in Africa,
with enthusiasm.

Euro-American journalists, when reporting on Africa, seem to invoke for
themselves, a special dispensation from journalistic responsibility, a
kind of licence to philander through the order of truth.
The ultimate felony of reporting has been committed by Euro-American
writers, who have regularly violated all intellectual etiquette on
information dissemination by their sweeping and unstoppable
generalizations which have painted pictures of Africa’s metaphoric
perils in an altogether metaphoric continent.

This continent is not just a place for dancers and bad governments. It
is on the move, but Euro-American reporters do not get it. As a result
of their poor reporting about the continent, Euro-American investors do
not know what they are missing. The Chinese have impressed their acumen
on African business.

As Professor of International Law at Shandong University of Science and
Technology, Qingdao, China, (2005-2008) I organized state-wide lectures
on International Economic Relations, with emphasis on China-Africa
trade. Today, the Chinese national currency has been strengthened ,by
the US dollars they collect from their colossal trade with Africa.
The US is protesting the disparity in exchange rate of the YUAN. The US
owes China billions of dollars. The national security issue this poses
is clear.

Let us hope that the envisaged CNN “Market Place Africa” programme,
will assist Americans to gain an insight into the opportunities bad
reporting has rob them of over the years.
I write about Euro-American reportage on Africa, not because of any
delusion that their journalists will change but because a few may
reflect and change. The concept of “Africa at Risk” is targeted at the
national security of states in Africa, but in paradoxical fact, “is an
acknowledgement that the transfer of Western civilization to Africa had

It would appear that the whole world is at risk from all those with
Hitlerite disposition, who kill people, who manufacture weapons of mass
destruction and who jeopardize the national security of nations. They
are creatures from the universe of fallen angels.
Perhaps, there is need to evolve for “Euro-American journalism, a new
journalistic ethnology to curb the lore and obsession of Euro-American
misinformation about Africa, because their collective mental inversion
seems irredeemable.

Under some form of liberalism, Euro-American press often foments trouble
that impinges on the national security of African states. For example,
the BBC report on the Nigeria/Biafra war was inciting.

In Nigeria, GOD, the FATHER is now leading on and victory is sure. We
shall remain vigilant against all forms of misinformation and
disinformation from the centers of manipulation and control.
Those of us, who have been to the five continents, will attest to the
fact that those societies in the West have long become Sodom and
Gomorrah, spreading satanic culture and sexualizing people worldwide.
Our national security was put to severe test during the return of
President Yar’Adua, especially the unauthorized deployment of troops in

The death of King George, the Queen’s father was kept secret for quite
sometime. A newspaper in London wrote,” King’s hidden death, men dread
chronic malady.”

In time and space, Kings and Presidents are corruptible. Their sins will
find them out. JESUS is the Rock, the only Rock of Ages. ASO rock is
shifting sand.
Undoubtedly and admittedly, the Federal Government shall react
appropriately to issues concerning national security, especially, the
movement of arms, troops, serious crimes and official corruption. It is
a new day.

As a scribe of the Era of the Gentiles, Atonement and the Brotherhood of
Man, I will end this essay on an ecumenical theme. These are the
There will be a shaking of the World, which will destroy all man-made
systems, satanic scientific establishments, man-made security systems
etc.The only security one can be sure of now, is the one GOD, the Father
provides in these End-times.

The most significant evidence of failure of Man-made security are the
twin-tower bombings, the Madrid train bombings, the Moscow theatre
attack, the Bali bombings, the London bombings in the home of the M15,
the Mumbai attack.

As from now, all national security systems not founded on GOD, the
Father, through Jesus Christ will fail
The Second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ demands that spiritual
wholesomeness, not perversity, wars and debauchery, home-sexuality, same
sex marriages etc. Existing states and kingdoms will fall.
The human agents of Satan have infiltrated the Catholic Church. A
Glorious Church “without spot, wrinkle and without blemish “will soon be
established, which will bring Christ to the nations. Only Jesus, the
Christ can give us the power to live a new life, not science and
technology. Those, who stand upon the Rock of Christ, will not be moved
throughout this hurrying century.

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chinwe obi September 13, 2010 - 5:30 pm

The article is an expression of a perspective quite unique, viewing the state of security from a spiritual dimension. Faith is a reality on earth. For the doubting Thomas who sits on the chair believing it is safe and takes the Doctor’s prescription believing it will cure him, he too unconsciously believes in Divine Security otherwise he will never have a good night’s rest in the midst of current level of insecurity in the world.

Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai April 8, 2010 - 6:20 pm

My friend one day soon, you will know the TRUTH(JESUS CHRIST) and the TRUTH shall set you free.Repeat with me, Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. please forgive my unbelief. Jesus will surely bless you.

Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai

bonjeh March 23, 2010 - 10:49 pm

If U depend on this jesus guy, U are fooling your self. U are your own personal saviour. Don’t depend on this blue eye jew to safe your african a$$, you’ve been robbed. what happen to all the world would end over d years, we’re still here.– shio.


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