Mr. President, George Walter Bush, I believe that the national Budget is a thing most reckoned with, and as such, we must find an enviable pattern of policies to keep the national Budget well established if America must continue to be the world’s superpower, and a pride to her citizen. if the Budget is so strong, then it must perform a lot of functions, such as protecting featuring deficit and inflation….It must be encased in monetary values to ensure proper fair play in the national economy. The Budget makes tax relief permanent to ensure our strong economic growth continues. This is true if your administration will foster homeland security and economic stability… Therefore, Mr. President, since your regime’s tax relief took effect, increased innovation and investment has created more than 7 million new jobs, and helped boost wages. This is of course a plus to your administration’s effort to streamline cost and create a workable economy.
I m not saying that Americans are not benefiting from your administration, but it has incurred a cost which the American people have suffered in due course of terrorism beginning from the 9/11 episode, but it can be averted, only on the economic ground that national issues will be taken into consideration, and will always stand first in congressional debates, and not some trivialized retrospect of the senators like the pro-choice and the pro-life agenda syndrome. There are more of the national issues like “the war on drugs” the African-American status problem, and the Hispanic-American compensatory agenda, and the general healthcare, otherwise known as Medicare…But one good thing is that Americans all have hope in your agenda and vise visa.
Pro-growth polices that focus on providing quality education, affordable health care, energy security, and making Americans more competitive will sustain economic growth and prosperity for future generations of all Americans. This has always been the dream of any pragmatic and progressive government, and it was this area that was lacking in your administration, which has made high-headed Democrats like John Kerry a renowned is pressuring on finding faults and informing you of the American dream. The other paramount policy still on the national issue should be geared towards
Spending Taxpayers Dollars Wisely. This is a peculiar area that needs to be touched, and without it, your administration might experience another kind of shocking congressional debate, which may lead to an impeachment. The Budget holds the growth in non-security discretionary spending to one percent, well below the rate of inflation. Budget reforms, including comprehensive earmark reform and a legislative line-item veto, will help eliminate wasteful and unnecessary spending. Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending, which your administration will keep at bay, with high honor.
Combating Terrorism and Protecting the Homeland
This is an area that has already been discussed, and if we go head-log, Mr. President Administration has done excellently well in determining the next step of action. But it has also been a waste of human resources, and even at the expense of taxpayers Dollars to have gone contrary to the resolution of the United Nations Security council to have used military forces against perceived Terrorist nations and groups. There are model in my analysis I have drawn to ensure a perfect follow-up of to gain homeland popularity and the articulate views of allies such as