Of all Abraham’s children I find the born-again Christians more dangerous and inimical to progress. These Christians will tell you that they are better human beings with a direct line to …
I have never met a man who will not cheat on his wife if there is an assurance that his infidelity will remain a secret…
Other than the pain of bereavement, I wonder if there is a greater pain than the pain of being dumped by a lover. When someone dies, you pray the Lord …
Like many other people, I have my fair share of questions about everything from the creation of the universe to why we exist as human beings. I will continue to …
My addiction to the personal computer and the internet has often made me to wonder if I could have coped and managed in another age and time…
Think of the many things you could do if you were a millionaire, and all the many people in Africa you could pay school fees for. Who wouldn’t like to …
“He must be sacrificed tonight” the lady said with an air of authority. She had no more smiles. That beautiful face and charm that electrified me hours ago have turned to …
“He must be sacrificed tonight” the lady said with an air of authority. She had no more smiles. That beautiful face and charm that electrified me hours ago have turned to …
I am the footman, a citizen of no known nation, or kingdom that exists in the modern world. I live in a solitary cave in an enclave far-removed from the …
It is true that here in our land timeliness is a worthless quality and lateness to ceremonies is a dignified virtue worthy of admiration. It is true that no self-respecting …
If the hunted animal runs in an unexpected manner, an Igbo proverb goes, the hunter should shoot it in an equally unexpected manner. The problem here, however, was that the …
Whether you are male or female, breakups are never a thing of joy; and being the dumper or ‘dumpee’ does not make much of a difference either…unless you have a …
The young men used to call her Itiri, a local word for darkness. They called her Itiri because her skin was unusually dark, surpassing the blackness of a moonless night. …
She tells me she likes me. That she loves me. That I make her laugh. She likes it when I sponge and towel her. She tells me I reside in …
There was this crazy white man stationed in my village. Please don’t ask me what he was doing there; I don’t know and I don’t want to lie to you. …
Can we conveniently conclude that God is capable of all we have attributed to Him? Are we not endowing him with more than He merits? Indeed, are the proof of …