On the afternoon of the second day of MJ’s death, I got glued to the CNN channel and watched as every program broadcast that day carried the news of the …
What is it about death that brings about the sober aspect of human nature? Why does it take the death of another man for us to realise our ephemeral nature?
Don’t you sometimes wonder where our attitudes and beliefs originate? Whether you agree or not, people are basically a product of their environment, cultures and beliefs…
Two young men leap into the rectangular hole hewn out of the red earth to receive the white coffin that housed the bodily remains of my beloved aunt. As family …
In spite of the very many attempts to explain or subdue the power of death, the ‘death phenomenon’ has quite proven to be one thing that mankind cannot overcome…
It amuses me when people preach morals or claim to hold themselves to a higher moral standard. Wise men and women know that there is no such thing as a …
Many of us exist in various states of mental freedom. Whilst the fetters and chains have been physically removed and laws have long declared us free, many of us continue …
We really can’t imagine what potential resources are available to us for the good of all, when we begin to make efforts to agree in principle with one another. Disagreements …
Nigeria will become the most desirable country to live in by 2025 and the most powerful nation on earth by 2040. Believe it and we will achieve it…
I feel a little sorry for people in their 20s because no one will tell them that early adulthood can be just as tumultuous as teen years. Only this time, …
Death has a peculiar scent. In the business of saving lives, one ends up hanging around that scent quite a bit. It assaults your nostrils, clings to your clothing and …
I do what I do on this and other sites only as a leisure pursuit. But considering what I have gone through in the last couple of months, and more …
There are few simple pleasures as enjoyable as watching birds flying. Like a school of fish, their inbuilt GPS systems continue to amaze and attract observation whenever they are seen …
Ever since I turned 21, every succeeding birthday throws me into a fit of depression. Okay, not literally but my gratefulness for having made it another year is overshadowed by …
Tall, slender, black as ebony, graceful and lithe. Snow white was a wonder to behold – almost even more puzzling than her name…
Living for others may be tough for sure, but the merits outweigh the demerits. History records the life of those who lived for others. Many put their lives on the …