Once upon a time a university professor walked around on a stage while teaching weight and weightlessness to an auditorium filled with students…
In the history of creation, it is one of the deadliest diseases ever to strike mankind. There are many people recorded in the Bible who were afflicted by this disease. …
People are not looking for a perfect man. Even fools know that there is none who is perfect. But people hunger for a leader who first respects himself by not …
Many Christians believe in their pastors, rather than in their bible. Many Muslims believe in their Imams, rather than in their Koran…
A friend on Facebook freshly asked that as I profess so much that ‘love’ should be shown to all equally, whether I would give a homosexual the same quantity of …
In life, there will be challenging times. You can work on your dreams for weeks, months and even years with no visible signs of progress and then, all of a …
What many people do not know or realize is that contentment cannot be bought with money, although money is very necessary in life. Contentment should not be measured by material …
The recent deadly bombs that exploded In Afghanistan must worry President Hamid Karzai, as the United States has irrevocably decided to draw down its troops in Afghanistan…
Self esteem plays a lot into so many things in life. It plays a much larger role than we care to admit. It exacerbates many other emotions that might more …
I need an urgent name change before my profession goes the way of ‘dinosaurian’ extinction all because I refuse to go with the times by adopting a ‘cool’, ‘happening’ tag…
Omoluwabi is the deodorized and comforting cultural renaissance being courageously embraced by Yoruba men and women of ideas as a conduit of heritage renewal among a brave and valorous race …
Modern Yoruba nation is afflicted with severe cultural disabilities and the best way to shift this axis of cultural articulation is to embrace Omoluwabi as nexus of future Yoruba social, …
The lack of large capital financing is a major obstacle for the oil and gas industry in Africa. For the industry to continue to be viable and buoyant, ways must …
There was a time we couldn’t wait to mature. At five, we longed to be ten and then fifteen. At sixteen, we couldn’t wait to be twenty and thirty and …
I have no challenging and troubling spots. All my life, I have worked my destiny to the bone to live a perfect lifestyle. Until…Yes, until one hot afternoon when my …
Geniuses have no time for sanity. They prefer ideas to normality. They are not of us. They are just en route since they do not belong here. While others are …