Why are some people happy and others unhappy? Why are some people rich and others poor?
You can choose a goal and decide whether you want to do the work that is required or not. You're free to choose success. You're at liberty to accept success. …
You can always get better, do more, fly higher, reach farther…
People have the opinion that being successful means having lots of money. That's false…it's only a beginning. It is just one of the many gauges to measure success.
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they …
The amount of love you have for what you are doing will determine how well it turns out and how far you will go.
What are your skills and strengths? In which areas lie your competencies? What do you enjoy doing? What things could you do very easily? What skills do you have that …
A lot of folks sleep for upwards of eight hours in a day. By the time they're sixty, they'd have slept for 20 years! Here's how to use the sleep …
It is important to differentiate between the laws of society (which is not perfect) and the laws of God, which is impartial, infallible and non-partisan.
Who is the audience of the immigrant creator of art? Has he exiled himself from relevance by moving away from his country…and all the cultural elements that give his art …
The Hispanics are suddenly commanding more attention from businesses and politicians because they are about to eclipse the reign of the Blacks in America as the most populous minority in …
The enemies America has created over the years do not think about immigrants when they plot their dark acts. We're all Americans to them, and likely to be targets, especially …
It is natural for one to continually strive for a better state of being whether it is in one's job, relationship, or livelihood. In fact, it is born out of …
What separates the super achievers from the underachievers, the successes from the failures, the happy from the unhappy, the fulfilled from the unfulfilled, the peak performers from the nonpeak performers?
What will it cost you if you fail to achieve your goals? How painful will it be? What will be the consequences to your family, your career, and your life …