“Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo”: The Satirical Anthem Unmasking Nigeria’s Political Deceptions

by Jude Obuseh
mike ejeagha

The Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo dance has recently become a viral sensation, captivating countless followers with its playful steps and catchy tune. Popularized by comedian Brain Jotter, this craze involves twisting the waist and raising one leg, followed by a comical pursuit. While it has everyone eager to join the fun, beneath this viral dance lies a poignant story, rich in moral lessons, masterfully told by the legendary Nigerian folklorist Gentleman Mike Ejeagha.

This song’s revival comes at a crucial time in Nigeria’s socio-political climate. The tale within the Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo dance mirrors the age-old deception faced by Nigeria’s poor masses at the hands of cunning political leaders. The story involves a King who promises his daughter’s hand to anyone who can bring him an Elephant, a seemingly impossible task. The Tortoise, using his sly nature, deceives the Elephant with grandiose lies, convincing him that the King wants to honor him as the Chairman of a prestigious festival. Lured by the promise of glory, the Elephant allows the Tortoise to ride on his back and tie a rope around his neck. As they reach the palace, the Tortoise loudly claims credit for bringing the Elephant, exposing the Elephant’s gullibility and sealing his fate.

This narrative resonates deeply with the current state of Nigeria, where the masses are repeatedly misled by the empty promises and grandiose lies of the political elite. Election after election, the political class employs manipulative tactics, offering false hopes and deceptive pledges, only to lead the masses to economic hardship and political enslavement. The Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo dance, therefore, becomes a metaphor for the cycle of deceit and exploitation that has plagued the nation for decades.

The popularity of this dance coincides with a critical juncture in Nigeria’s history. The #EndBadGovernance protests, driven by worsening economic conditions and rampant corruption, have highlighted the growing discontent among the populace. These protests demand accountability and better governance, serving as a clarion call for change. The revival of the Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo song serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and awareness among the masses.

The allegory in the story, in which the Elephant, much like the Nigerian populace, is significantly larger and more powerful than the Tortoise, but yet finds itself deceived and manipulated, underscores the potential strength and influence of the masses, which, if harnessed, can overturn the deceitful political class. The song’s message is clear: it is time for the masses to recognize their power and use it to break free from the cycle of deception and exploitation.

As the song gains traction and the dance continues to spread, it is essential to reflect on the deeper meaning behind the catchy tune and comical steps. The Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo dance is not just a source of entertainment; it is a powerful reminder of the need for collective action and resistance against bad governance. It is a call to awaken from the slumber of complacency and take decisive steps towards reclaiming our rights and freedoms.

The ball is indeed in our court. The masses must rise above the lies and manipulation, demanding transparency, accountability, and good governance. Until this happens, we will continue to face suppression and subjugation, just as the Elephant was humiliated and bound by the Tortoise’s deceit.

The story of Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo is more than a dance; it is a wake-up call. As Nigeria stands on the brink of significant political change, let this viral sensation inspire a renewed commitment to fighting for justice, equality, and a better future for all. May we find the wisdom and courage to break free from the chains of deception and claim our rightful place in shaping the destiny of our nation.

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