The Christmas season was upon us for weeks running before this unique day (today) that celebrates globally the celestial birthday of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! As …
Faith & Philosophy
(1). A woman called her cousin in a neighboring country. Her cousin was single and living alone. She was my friend. “I am flying down to spend the weekend with …
Once upon a time, there was a land wherein it was common practice for everyone to be happily affected by, and even actively participate in any kind of religious festival …
We who studied in the School of Elihu and the School of Christ know that GOD, Almighty, created the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve lived. There was a …
Easter is central to the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and died on a Cross on a Friday but rose from the dead and ascended to …
“Many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ … and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5, 11) The yuletide is my seminal season; that …
The beacon of hope of our time is Pope Francis, our beatitude! He is a quintessential individual shaping a confused world for posterity, good governance and revival of souls for …
If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you – Jesus Christ (John 15:20). Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted – …
World-wide, the dismal failure of ideology in primitive societies, feudal societies, capitalist societies and the old socialist order in the 21st century, is responsible for the infantile disorder in our …
Once upon a time, there was a land wherein it was common practice for everyone to be happily affected by, and even actively participate in any kind of religious festival …
Those who live in the supernatural state, have given thanks to God, the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost for saving us by their outpouring of GRACE. …
Trained human intelligence and untrained human intelligence stand on a footing of manifest inequality. The Almighty God may have His reasons for not giving the gift of intelligence equally to …
Before sending His creatures to sojourn on planet Earth, God, the Father, endowed him or her with the relevant attributes that would enable him or her to learn the lessons …
The historian’s duty is to separate the true from the false, the certain from the uncertain, and the doubtful from that which cannot be accepted – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe …
There’s no doubt to the fact that religion and politics are like Siamese twins in Nigeria as far as politics is concerned, even though our constitution both past and present …
Heaven, O sublime home of all purity, That which Satan and his crew emptied; And now ever admitting mortals …