When we use the unrighteous mammon the way God expects them to be used it is only then that we can be entrusted with the true riches. In other words …
Faith & Philosophy
When we use the unrighteous mammon the way God expects them to be used it is only then that we can be entrusted with the true riches. In other words …
Prosperity, Eternity (6): Between Holiness and ‘Prosperity’ Preaching
by Eferovo Ighoby Eferovo IghoThe so-called prosperity preachers hardly go into what qualifies a man to give unto God. They hardly tell us that God does not really need anything from the sinner but …
Prosperity, Eternity (6): Between Holiness and ‘Prosperity’ Preaching
by Eferovo Ighoby Eferovo IghoThe so-called prosperity preachers hardly go into what qualifies a man to give unto God. They hardly tell us that God does not really need anything from the sinner but …
Prosperity, Eternity (6): Between Holiness and ‘Prosperity’ Preaching
by Eferovo Ighoby Eferovo IghoThe so-called prosperity preachers hardly go into what qualifies a man to give unto God. They hardly tell us that God does not really need anything from the sinner but …
Those earnestly and readily distributing and communicating are laying up in store for themselves good foundations against the time to come; that they might lay hold on eternal life…
What must believers do here to lay hold on eternal life? They should do good; they should be rich in good works; they should be ready to distribute; they should …
How many brethren today are keeping things and monies they can do without? Lest you allow your flesh to answer that question lets rephrase it for the attention of your …
While many Christians, like the detractor, take cover under the disguise of being Christians and hoodwink people while still indulging in heinous practices, it is imperative to state here that …
The goal of God is the well-being of the Church and not necessarily of some individuals. Individuals blessed and prospered are a means to achieving His goal: a none-lacking Church…
We must say it here that anything God gives to His Church is primarily for the expansion of His Kingdom. Nothing is more in the heart of God than the …
In the next thirty days of fasting, Muslims are also asked to be generous. As a people, one thing Nigerians, rich or poor, can rarely be accused of is tightfistedness…
One of the most fascinating things any onlooker will quickly pick up in observing these new religious movements is the relationship between the shepherds and their flocks. Particularly worthy of …
God made it all! Evolution is mere fantasy; false science and bundle of confusion! It is only masking as science. It is far from being it. The Bible speaks of …
A time is coming when, through Jesus Christ, all living Israelites shall be saved and that is besides all resurrected faithful Israelites. Israel is that sand on the seashore that …
Creation, True Science versus Evolution (5): The Bible and Civilisation
by Eferovo Ighoby Eferovo IghoScience that has the Bible as compass and anchor is the science that has served the world. At the end of the day true science would have purposefully or inadvertently …