Against the backdrop of the alarming increase in the number of Nigerians contracting HIV, investigations reveal that a high percentage of the population still hold on to age-old beliefs on …
Environment & Health
Fazed by mounting pressures locally and internationally, British American tobacco, BAT, now somewhat relies on smugglers to continue to flood the market with their wares…
From available information, it appears as if the Federal Capital Territory remains the only part of Nigeria conscious of the harmful effects of smoking. The recent prohibition of smoking in …
From available information, it appears as if the Federal Capital Territory remains the only part of Nigeria conscious of the harmful effects of smoking. The recent prohibition of smoking in …
Arrested and abandoned ships, which are rotting away at the defence jetty at CMS, pose an environmental as well as health risk to the Nigerians who conduct their businesses at …
The attitude of Nigerian medical personnel towards their patients leaves much to be desired. Pointedly said, the average patient in Nigeria faces grave risks in the hands of our medical …
Men on the “down-low” are males who don’t want society to know about their sexual relations with men. They date women to cover themselves, or are heterosexual males who prefer …
Unfortunately, too many of Nigerians suffered or lost their lives because they weren’t given the right clinical diagnosis, right medicine and or the proper medicine application…
In recent times, the issue of the psychiatric assessment of leaders and people in position of public trust in Nigeria has re-surfaced and it has merited some degree of public …
I hereby make public the news of the private death of a private man, who discovered the cure to AIDS; in the hope that when I discover an added cure …
In Nigeria, more than 3,000 substances are being added to foods for the purpose of preservation, coloring, texture, increasing flavor and more. While each of these substances is legal to …
In Nigeria, more than 3,000 substances are being added to foods for the purpose of preservation, coloring, texture, increasing flavor and more. While each of these substances is legal to …
I know too many Nigerian doctors, young and old, who come to the United States after being denied employment, pay raise or even promotion, take the requisite certifying Board examinations …
Recent developments in the global health show that more resources are being allocated to the fight against malaria…
Twice a week for three freaking hours, I had to sit in a room and look into the faces of people just like me – except they were not me. …
Anybody who is stressed can be compared to a laboratory rat that constantly gets a dose of electric shock…