When IBB categorically stated that Nigerian youths are incapable of leading, many felt that the outspoken retired General spoke out-of-context…
Can Minister Rufai’s four areas of reform be the catalyst to help revamp and redirect education in Nigeria? Can Minister Rufai overcome the problem of policy implementation?
Examination malpractices are generally described as wrongdoings before, during or after examinations. And, without mincing words, these are having telling, negative effects on the nation’s quality of education, just as …
By now, all those who have over the years conspired to make sure education is dealt a death blow in this country must be celebrating as their well laid out …
Nobody really knows where America stands as a nation. The educational system is going through a “car wash” and anything can happen in the next couple of years. One thing …
The images that rushed at me when I heard the name, University of Abuja, were images redolent with the Abuja razzmatazz. I had reckoned that as the nation’s capital and …
President Obama and his education team under the leadership of the U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, are taking appropriate steps to support the teaching profession. The aim is to …
Nigeria is a challenging place to live, work, or travel. Oil rich, the country still falls desperately short of meeting the educational needs of its children. But the kids are …
Since President Obama became president of the United States in 2009, the federal government has increased its influence and involvement in public education particularly in elementary and secondary education…
Recently, Fugar Community stood still for Professor Emmanuel Omoh Eshiemokhai to hear the news he had to break. Prior to this, there was ongoing information that a University was proposed …
A performance evaluation does not necessarily guarantee effective evaluation or the competence of a teacher. Other multiple evaluative data sources such as student evaluation, peer evaluation, independent evaluation, are also …
If one is to take the average of those studying abroad, it will tilt towards the side of the least qualified Nigerians…
If one is to take the average of those studying abroad, it will tilt towards the side of the least qualified Nigerians…
Perhaps some influential thinking person or people will prevail upon the federal minister of education to begin a process to reclaim the minds of our youth. Mental states such as …
Academic Posterity, Academic Prosperity and Serene National Education for all. This is another academic irony. The typifying fact is that we are all completely ignorant of the hidden agenda of …
It is incomprehensible how Nigerian policy makers contemplate and implement evidently wrong-headed initiatives and decisions that leave not a few of us wondering and stupefied…