Solutions to problems, whatever the ramification, are never far to fetch. In so far as those labouring to solve them are as well minded as to get to the root …
Business & Economy
Since time immemorial, Commerce has been seen as the mirror that depicts the economic reality of a given people. The buoyancy or otherwise of the economy of a given people, which …
The parachute has always featured in the Nigerian story. What with it being the magic wand that had been used to drop the first federal troops in Biafran territory. Thus, …
It was Aristotle that echoed in latin “Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” meaning Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend. Permit me to contribute to the raging …
People who have known me over time can attest to the fact that I am quite good at doing public service. It is, thanks to this advertisement for myself, that …
Back then in the USA, it was someone in Bill Clinton’s campaign team as they battled to trump Bush Snr’s presidency in 1992 that’s credited with coining the snowcone ‘It’s …
When the news broke some weeks ago that Zenith Bank had declared an annual profit of 230.5 billion naira for 2020, it crossed my mind that my 148,354 naira withheld …
In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, we suddenly come to terms with many dysfunctional aspects of our life as a country. One such aspect is the conditional cash …
Benin City, Nigeria…The Africa Network for Environment & Economic Justice, ANEEJ, has called on the Muhammadu Buhari administration to constitute a crack team to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of crude …
Since its establishment in June 2003, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has made considerable progress in addressing key governance issues in the extractive sector. The EITI Standard – outlining …
Recently some traders in a certain part of Nigeria marched through the streets, seeking the attention of the governor of their state. When they eventually got to the seat of …
Japan is currently the world’s second largest developed economy but with a shrinking working population; analysts have consistently explained that the dwindling youth population will ultimately reduce the labour force …
Since our anti-graft agency, Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), beamed its search lights on the arms gate scandal, the revelations that have been coming out daily from the purported arms …
If Nigeria had any serious opposition, the budget speech of President Buhari no matter how good intended held valuable promise for a team of budget egg heads intent on scoring …
Nigeria-British International Trade Relations have been slated for serious bi-lateral trade discussions during the Bradford Initiative II Conference & Seminars. It can be recalled that during the Bradford I Proceedings …