Those who have been mauling, pummeling and pulverizing Nigeria, are now claiming patriotism as their excuse?
Paul I. Adujie
Paul I. Adujie
Paul I. Adujie, a Nigerian who lives in New York City, is Lawyer, Writer, Pubic Policy Analyst, News & Current Affairs Commentator, Essayist and Radio Show Host. He considers himself a global citizen. He is passionate about public policy formulation and implementation. Public Policies have far reaching ramifications. A good public policy is a great opportunity to have a meaningful impact on the lives of multitudes of people. He believes that Nigeria is destined for development, advancement and greatness. He discusses Nigeria with fervor, vigor and a vibrant sense of patriotism. An unflinching believer in one indivisible, strong and united Nigeria where all citizens are equal regardless of region of origin or religious affiliation, Adujie talks about Nigeria in very strong terms. He worships as his religion Nigeria, Africa and people of descent.
Those who have been mauling, pummeling and pulverizing Nigeria, are now claiming patriotism as their excuse?
As it now turns out, Jeff Koinange has admitted to third parties, half in boast and half in jest, that he was actually paid to contrive the MEND stories that …
If you think there is anything worse than a poverty of ideas, try spending 400 billion dollars in Iraq without discernible results!
I have said this in the past and I am doing so again pointedly. Nigerians have a dramatic effect on me. Nigerians are the bone of my bone and flesh …
Debates, occasional dissent and even protests, all form parts of some of the essential elements and ingredients of vibrant and vigorous democracy. This is welcome in Nigeria…
I have observed over an extended period of time that a good number of Nigerians are self critical, a tad too self-critical, to such extent that at first glance, this …
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Are these hundred persons political jobbers? Are they politicians in disguises? Are they acting on behalf of different political parties as a coalition, while pretending to be some band of …
Regardless of political party affiliations, I write to congratulate all persons elected to all levels of political offices nation-wide…
It may interest you that Madam Oprah Winfrey grew up in a most humble household and settings. It may also interest you to know that she is the self-made richest …
I predicted that the election would not cause the skies to fall on Nigeria. And contrary to expectations by some, the sky did not fall! And Nigeria’s corporate existence is unchanged. …
There is no better service than the service of Nigeria!
For lawyers, the Supreme Court of Nigeria is what St. Peter’s Basilica is to devout Catholics! The Supreme Court is to lawyers what Mecca is to devout Muslims!
For lawyers, the Supreme Court of Nigeria is what St. Peter’s Basilica is to devout Catholics! The Supreme Court is to lawyers what Mecca is to devout Muslims!
Those who were unsuccessful at the just concluded elections should embrace the rule of law, due process and democracy. The burden is on them…