This engagement with the analysis of the woes of the world was the result of the energy unleashed at 11am on the eleventh day of the 11th month of this …
Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai
Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai
Professor Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai is the Academic Chancellor, BOSAS International Law Bureau, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.
Since the United States retaliated against the Japanese Pearl Harbour incident during the Second War, by dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki an atomic bomb called, “Little John”, some states started …
The name Commonwealth was cleverly used to give the impression that the wealth of members was common to all. This was false and it is still false…
This year, three formidable French personalities have dominated the international media. They are, President Sarkozy, Monsieur Dominique Strauss-Khan and Madam Christine Lagarde…
Nigeria is a metaphoric Federal Republic which is now poised to embrace a democratic future after many years of dictatorial military governance and military inhibiting mentality that will take more …
Recent unbecoming developments in the Nigerian judiciary have proved me right in my long contempt for the British Colonial legal system that was foisted on Nigeria by British colonial authorities…
Recent unbecoming developments in the Nigerian judiciary have proved me right in my long contempt for the British Colonial legal system that was foisted on Nigeria by British colonial authorities…
Do many Nigerians read? Only a small fraction do, otherwise, given the intellectual and didactic editorials in The Guardian newspaper and the writings of articulate Nigerians, the poor standard of …
Some of the intellectuals in the West are fond of predicting the disintegration of African states…
I will certainly drink a glassful of ale if and when Nigeria becomes a member of the United Nations Security Council in no distant future…
One of the most demonizing legacies of colonial rule is that it etched indelible marks in the minds of ex-colonials that they must acquire wealth by hook or crook…
Although traditional diplomatic law frowned upon encouraging rebellion, recent events in the Middle East and North Africa have thrown up new justifications for assisting people in rebellion against long-serving, non-performing, …
Some Nigerian politicians who were at the helm of power between 1958-1966 served meritoriously. Others were dishonourable, capricious, corrupt and unconscionable…
When a foreign friend chooses your enemy for you, you lose control. There are contemporary cases to learn from…
The coming transformation must be judged by the caliber of leaders on the ground, in all spheres of governance and not by mere proclamations, promises, speech-making, retreats, conferences and declarations …
The new state of political conditioning must work out diplomatic strategies to deal with non-conformists, political mal-contents, and listen to their arguments and offer superior convictions…