I have read Nigerian dailies and marvel why our president, Mr. Umaru Yar’Adua could bear “baba-go slow” as a label…
L.Chinedu Arizona-Ogwu
I have seen multinationals and big oil companies play by the rules elsewhere, but behaving badly in Nigeria and Africa because of our collapsed systems. We have to insist ourselves …
The government’s Poverty Alleviation Programme has the stated goal of bringing food to hungry, poor Nigerians. So far, they have failed to do that…
The government’s Poverty Alleviation Programme has the stated goal of bringing food to hungry, poor Nigerians. So far, they have failed to do that…
We are learning the hard way that the nation and all life is protected, that we are all economically viable and reliable, that we are all related…
President Umaru Yar’Adua is a listening leader but it appears as if the people are complicating the matters. I support the withdrawal of the military presence in this region, but …
It is only by correctly understanding the class character of Nigeria’s economy and its ruling class that one can appreciate why every general election has always been full of organized violence and …
It is only by correctly understanding the class character of Nigeria’s economy and its ruling class that one can appreciate why every general election has always been full of organized violence and …
Government can never resist the impulse to coerce and intimidate its citizens. The lure of power and money is just too strong and the will of most men, too weak. …
It is generally the poor that suffer from bad governance. If anyone were to challenge that claim, it would be difficult to present them with overwhelmingly convincing factual evidence…
It is generally the poor that suffer from bad governance. If anyone were to challenge that claim, it would be difficult to present them with overwhelmingly convincing factual evidence…
It is generally the poor that suffer from bad governance. If anyone were to challenge that claim, it would be difficult to present them with overwhelmingly convincing factual evidence…
Nigeria has in the past largely focused on the development of its oil industry while neglecting the solid mineral sector. However, geological reports show that the country has a strong …
Nigeria has in the past largely focused on the development of its oil industry while neglecting the solid mineral sector. However, geological reports show that the country has a strong …
President Umaru Yar’adua, though on the right track with his anti-corruption stance, can never condone these unfaithful serving Nigerians among us. I am relieved over the sack of the Health …
Corruption is rampant in the new electricity companies – six generating companies, 11 distributors and one transmitting – and little is being done to check it…