Nigeria has not developed a culture of celebrating honest, hard-working achievers. Instead we have allowed others to foist upon us a paradoxical anti-intellectual situation in which recognition, indeed the highest …
Chidi Chike Achebe, MD
Chidi Chike Achebe, MD
Dr. Chidi Chike Achebe is an Attending Physician in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in the Boston Massachusetts area Health Centers and Clinics. He received his medical education and obtained his M.D degree from Dartmouth Medical School after earning a B.A. from Bard College in Natural Sciences, History and Philosophy. He is currently completing post graduate course work at the Harvard School of Public Health and expects an MPH from that institution shortly. Dr Achebe’s previous articles on Health, Politics and the Environment have appeared in the Op-Ed section of the Boston Globe and in the New York Times.
Nigeria has not developed a culture of celebrating honest, hard-working achievers. Instead we have allowed others to foist upon us a paradoxical anti-intellectual situation in which recognition, indeed the highest …