The prolonged and tortuous trial of the former Chief Security Officer, Al Mustapha, has reached a crescendo. His disclosures are at once chilly and explosive.
They could be true, half true or untrue. The court will have to rely on the evidence available to it as presented by the defence and as countered by the prosecution.
What will be established will touch upon the lives of a majority of Nigerians. Our race seems to have been inoculated by the spirit of Mormonism, ritualism, kidnapping for financial gains and blatant pursuit of money.
The Cynics will not believe Al Mustafa. In a swift reaction, Chief Ayo Opadokun, the son of Bola Ige and other interested persons denied Al Mustapha’s allegations. The too sure will do.
The latter will rely on the indomitable belief in the Masonic grund norm of the race that OLOWO OKERE, FOLOWOSHELE and OWO LAGBA. This has manifested in the behaviour of some indicted men and women of our country.
The pursuit of money with reckless abandon is artificial as it only helps in the enjoyment of material life, but leads inexorably to spiritual death. The Bible says, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his own soul?”
MKO Abiola’s life and times portray the futility of pursuit of money, fame and cosmopolitanism. He was a good man, of that I am sure, having related to him, before he was nudged on by favour-seekers, fortune-seekers and ambitious cretins, who wanted to benefit from his money and position.
Some determined women with Ogbanje and mammy-water spirits, infused him with the spirit of the he-goat. This drove him into epicurean life, which was insatiable and ill-defined, unlike Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who had a distinguished history in Stoicism.
The man of virtue said Confucius, thinks of virtue, the small man thinks of comfort.
All these human frailties did not warrant Abiola, being sacrificed on the altar of power politics by alleged executioners, who played Judas.
Nigerian politics is dominated by men and women, who understand the value of power and money and so go over the top and over the bend to get elected or appointed into political office.
They end up advancing primitivism, negativism, the abolition of civic and social ties to the very people they have contracted to serve. This is the matrix from which corruption emerges.
They do not acknowledge that they have cheated society and since human intelligence has the forte to retain memories of the bad and ugly, corrupt people and corrupt practices blunt the edge of husbandry.
The people may not have the means to fight against powerful corrupt people, but they do remember those, who have robbed them and by how much.
The revolutionary doctrines of the Rights of man have etched in the mind of our citizens, the rising tide of opposition to the infamy of political corruption, ineptness and confused thinking is waxing strong.
Yet, the people are helpless because, it is very difficult to cast the first stone. In Nigeria, some Heads of State inaugurated the philosophies of conduct but, each time the spirit of evil overtakes new rulers, hard attitudes erase the established virtues and impose a Luciferian edict.
From the events we have just witnessed, it looks as if “as it was in the beginning, is now….” Tell me what has changed? Tell me what will change.
In 1980, we were promised that there would be houses, jobs, electricity, water and other amenities, by the year 2000. The same people promised that all will be well by the year 2010, now the same political class has promised that we shall, by some magical conjuration, be among the advanced states of the world in 2020. What is our industrial policy? I know someone who has laboured to draw up one in great details, but who cares?
This is the disadvantage of using old speeches, dusted up from ministerial achieves and re-furbished as new policies. Those, who have heard the refurbished speeches, are wont to say.” We have heard that before”. This is how cynicism grows and total loss of confidence in the ability of the government to deliver begins to manifest.
MKO Abiola thought that he could change Nigeria. Perhaps, the forces that hold Nigeria down obstructed his ambitions. They still do.
Our problems are more spiritual that material. We could develop this country within ten years, if we can harness the abundant Nigerian talents in the Diaspora, now in the service of developed states. We need to exorcise the occult forces that hold us down.
In order to attract home the Diaspora Nigerians, give them plots of land at reasonable prices, build clinics for the returning medical doctors, build houses for the highly qualified cadre, create a safe society, where national security, re-enforced by police and military intelligence outfits, will ensure that they do not become targets for the sinister forces that roam the land.
The illegal monies in the hands of some former officials of the Nigerian state can re-settle these talents, who can contribute meaningfully to the transformation process.
If it is true that the Federal Government has adopted strategic measures to recover stolen wealth and has plugged the loop-holes in the existing financial system through fiscal best policies, then my lost optimism in the progress of Nigeria will return, with bells on.
Al Mustafa’s disclosures and testimonies are very telling. This is why Dr, Fredrick Fasehun has said that no harm should befall Al Mustafa. With the Freedom of Information Act in place, the old system of with-holding the truth from the nation can no longer be the case.
Al Mustafa still has enough wit to extricate himself from his difficulties. How he has found courage to soldier on is amazing. His pontifications are deep and his affirmations seem ineradicable.
Those leaders, who gave Abiola long-winded advice to claim his mandate, abandoned him, when he needed their support. Now, we are being told that money got in the way. Money gave them sensations of supreme delight. The subsequent criminal acts lead to attacks of apoplexy.
There is an astonishing similarity in the way both Abiola and Sani Abacha died. The only person, who knows the details, is disclosing unheard of information about that national calamity.Ayo Opadokun’s narrative seems to contradict Al Mustafa’s claims. The truth lies between Olumo Rock and Aso Rock! Opadokun’s argument appears to be a conflation of the existing popular with the intelligence doctrine of form and matter. Newspaper editorials are eloquent of the distress the June 12 story represents.
The episode attempted to provoke obscure proletarian uprising, which we are now being told was subjected to state manipulation and control.
Contemporary confusion apart ,the NADECO social philosophy was partisan, which is why the call to immortalize M.K.O Abiola has been largely ignored. The defects of NADECO’s logical structure arose from the fact that they never made up their minds, what exactly was fundamental and what was derivative. Their seasonal remembrance agitations fizzle out too quickly after the last protester goes back to Abeokuta.
As far as I know, no intellectual museum has been erected to display the artifacts of the June 12 failed political “revolution”. June 12 still prosecutes the study of Nigeria’s social history, but it has the foible of omniscience and the itch of simplicity. It appealed to fact but insists that facts must speak a predetermined language.
The movement rested on empirical theory of ethnic, not national motives. This empiricism was anchored on an anti -Abacha popular dislike. This was why the musings were logically incoherent and so lacked a national response.
The preposterous caricature of the lady with the golden apple and the exploits of visiting “friends of Abiola” do not convince anyone. If true, the surprisingly easy success of these assassins, show how fragile our national security networks are.
So, if the Chief Security Officer, at the time, is talking, we have no option than to listen to him and evaluate his depositions.
Nothing stops the Federal Government from setting up a Committee to investigate such a serious national security issue, even though these things happened long ago.
I hereby repeat the conventional opinion that Abiola’s life and times are wrapped in an enigma.