Politics these days, especially in most African countries is corruption-dominated and formulaic. The most powerful individuals with the most influence will almost always win regardless of the votes of the …
America under George Bush is slowly and progressively boxing herself into a corner, as can be seen from the recent selection of the Pope where none of the several American Cardinals …
What you are essentially disputing in your critique is not that some of the observations I have made in my write-up are totally wrong, but that you think it is …
To say the current President Bush is “great” is premature. We don’t know. We simply don’t know yet! And we cannot know until a while into the future..
G.W. may not have the verbiage and bulldog persona of a Ronald Reagan. But he sure brings to the Presidency a sure footedness and single-minded focus on promoting the cause …
Togo is a country that rivals Nigeria, Cote D’Ivoire, Somalia, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo and many other countries in terms of corruption, misrule, abuse of power and …
What has Africa given to the world in terms of science and technology? What contribution have we made in the areas of philosophy, economics, political theory and political thought? And …
The Scriptures tell us the sins of the father shall be visited on their children up to the fourth generation. Those who now link the indiscretion or the poor judgment …
The attempt by this Administration to incite the UN senior and junior staff to mutiny against their boss is part of the carefully orchestrated plan to blackmail and punish Kofi …
All thinking, critically thinking, persons know that since the beginning of time civilizations have come and gone. They know that Western civilization will one day end in accordance with the …
What greater service is there than the service to one’s own people and to one's own land. Arafat accomplished both: he served his land and his people. He lived his …
One of the problems we have always had as a continent is our unbridled belief that what the West sets as the criterion for excellence must be the universal criterion. …
Who can really argue today that Americans are not really scared about the possibility of another terrorist attack in America. Setting up the Department of Homeland Security, and giving it …
When you are married like more than half the adults of the world are, and you live in this modern civilized society, you better remember two important dates: your spouse’s …
Without rushing to judgment, it is important that we take stock of our success and failures as it relates to Iraq. Have we truly triumphed in Iraq? Have we gained …