As the world was celebrating the ‘downfall’ of the ‘monster’ of Baghdad, the news came that the invasion was a superfluous venture…like killing a fly with a sledgehammer…
When you conduct any meaningful research into the history of Africa and its interaction with its European masters, you would come to the conclusion that every step of the way …
Our leaders have poor judgment and make bad decisions: they go around the world with their heads bowed currying favors; they go from one corner of the world to the …
The worst twin-evils of human history are slavery and colonialism, those who committed or perpetrated slavery and colonialism were and are the first terrorists, they committed the worst acts of …
The worst twin-evils of human history are slavery and colonialism, those who committed or perpetrated slavery and colonialism were and are the first terrorists, they committed the worst acts of …
The West has an obligation to help Africa because in 1884 the West officially caused the initial African mess: Currently, in the world economy, a chain is as strong as …
Even if Bob Geldof and his cohorts have genuine concerns about the ordinary people in Africa, they are going about it the wrong way because they are not actually addressing …
Students of leadership do not need to look much further in this generation for a leader; for I have found one in George W. Bush, the President of the United …
The word lobby is a notion commonly used among politicians or in political discourses. The process of actualizing lobby is conditioned by various local peculiarities in such a way that those …
Nigeria has economic, political and diplomatic ties with America, most of it at Nigeria’s expense. Yet, this current American government could come out with these grossly irresponsible predictions, with its attendant implications, …
Liberia is far ahead of most African countries in terms of the number of warlords and despots she has produced. And among these malevolent and despicable human beings, Charles Ghankay …
No doubt, Baroness Chalker, has since ceased to be of any real use to her country, and has probably been politely dumped in the camp of yesterday people, but you …
The Western world, proud heir to a most decadent culture, has been totally overrun by several degenerate “liberals” whose sole aim is to collapse the thin wall between the body …
Africa has been stolen blind. After the trade in persons of African descent they sought to take over the continent for good. They shamelessly coined the term “Scramble and partition” …
The British electorate ought to take pride in what they have just done in proving to the world, one more time, that the United Kingdom still leads the world in forcefully projecting the …
Anyone who has not taken complete leave of his senses looking at world events and the speed at which they unfold would agree that any opportunity to pray is welcome. …