Shock and amusement are the words that best sum up my feelings regarding the reactions generated in America, Europe and Israel to the electoral victory secured by Hamas in the …
Many commentators have sought to characterize this as some extraordinary clash of cultures or civilization, but they are simply incorrect. In fact, I doubt if both ends of the debate …
Press freedom must be exercised with a great sense of responsibility. Media freedom cannot be limitless or irresponsibly exercised…
America owes an obligation to the world to get to the bottom of this investigation, if as the leading nation in the world, it does not want to offer a …
The days of anarchy in France finally came to an end after more than two weeks of street rioting precipitated by the fatal electrocution of two young African immigrants supposedly …
Believe me Mr. Weah; you have every right to question the integrity of this election and every right to seek a re-run or a recount. But Mr. Al Gore had …
Americans treat their dogs and cats better than the Nigerian government treat her people. In Nigeria, the vast majority of people do not have access to well-balanced meal, to the courts, …
When a typical African Head of State or Head of Government come to the US, a low-level officer from the State Department receives him or her. The White House doesn’t even consider …
The Americans have showed Nigerians and the rest of the world in their dealings with a Chinese oil company, that American oil companies represent American national interests and we, as …
The most destructive trade with Africa till date is the slave trade. Not only was the wickedness this trade represented in itself destructive, the social dislocation as well as the …
If anything can be determined as a permanent feature of living in or keeping up with Africa, it is the persistent cycle of wars, crisis and riots. Think about it, …
Judith Miller is in jail for upholding fine principles, and everyone in America is in some sorts of ear-piercing silence! Where is everybody? Why is there no agitation for Ms. …
What should the international community do when oppressive leaders that have maintained themselves in power by rigged election, gangsterism, terror and corruption all in the name of democracy and anti-fundamentalism …
The first and most feasible option for African countries is sure as medicine but slow as death coming! It is simple- good governance, coupled with the strengthening of the democratic …
Niger is half the size of Texas but about twice the size of France. The country is bordered by Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya, Mali and Nigeria. Yet in …
Must a man or a nation or a continent that is beaten to the ground remain on the ground and wallow in self-pity? Must we Africans use the injustices and …